Mae Marvelle Studios

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Mae is a contemporary artist who works mainly in acrylics. She derives inspiration from the universe, nature, music, and raw emotion. Her artwork is an exploration of the balance between chaos and control.

The fluid nature of Mae’s work removes the element of complete control and adds a level of uncertainty; forcing the artist to adapt and flow with something ever changing. Each painting is masterfully made through a combination of discovery and creation. Mae allows the music and her emotions to guide her, rather than approaching a painting with a pre-meditated vision in mind.

The creation process usually begins with color studies done in nature and/or meditation to music. This approach allows the artist to re-center before beginning a painting and focus on the emotions conjured up by the music or meditation session. Mae has struggled with anxiety and depression all her life. Many of her paintings are the result of despair, frustration, anger, or disappointment; while others are representations of the happiness and serenity she seeks. Mae’s art is a collection of emotions expressed through color and movement. Her work has been described as “controlled chaos” and is perhaps a window into the artist’s mind itself.