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Mae Marvelle is in the process of writing her first book, a memoir about her journey with Dissociative Identity Disorder.


Mae Marvelle Grief.jpg

I’ve spent so long stranded here,

going through phases of fight and surrender,

until the weight of it all pulls me under.

No longer am I able to pretend,

so deeper down, I descend,

into the anger that fuels me, 

the fire that is me.

Drowning in emotions I cannot explain,

trapped at the bottom, is where I remain.

Until I realize that what was masked as hate,

was really the grief, left in your wake.

Grief for a connection I’ll never know,

the seeds you bought but never sowed.

Grief for a childhood stolen from me,

never given the chance to be free.

Grief for the love of which I know nothing.

Your apathy used to sting, now it’s numbing

Grief for an idyllic life that will never be mine.

So here is where I draw my final line.

I see now, you’d rather let me suffer than be free.

And the truth is, no one will ever come to save me.

So I cut the chains that have been weighing me down,

and fight towards the light, refusing to drown.

As I break through the surface, gasping for air,

my new-found freedom is met with despair.

The reality of what I have always known, 

Even from the very beginning, I was alone.


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